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Phase one

Doodle Pop City Living On Ethereum blockchain. The world has entered its darkest moment. With the advancement of human knowledge, humans attack the gods, and in this war all the gods were killed, and humans reached the seat of the gods. And they got the four elements of the world (water, air, earth, fire) , and with the knowledge they stole from the gods, they built the greatest dictatorship in the world. Today, all beings in the world except humans are oppressed . War is still raging in parts of the world, and some lands are resisting.

Dictator Naraham lives in the place of the gods in the land of the headquarters , the library of the gods is in the hands of human beings and Only the humans are allowed to use the fire, and fire exists only in the land of humans. The parliament are in the headquarters, only is for a propaganda , And they only have to of defining Dictator Naraham.

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1-The Land of headquarters

The world has entered its darkest moment. With the advancement of human knowledge, humans attack the gods, and in this war all the gods were killed, and humans reached the seat of the gods. And they got the four elements of the world (water, air, earth, fire) , and with the knowledge they stole from the gods, they built the greatest dictatorship in the world. Today, all beings in the world except humans are oppressed . War is still raging in parts of the world, and some lands are resisting.

Dictator Naraham lives in the place of the gods in the land of the headquarters , the library of the gods is in the hands of human beings and Only the humans are allowed to use the fire, and fire exists only in the land of humans. The parliament are in the headquarters, only is for a propaganda , And they only have to of defining Dictator Naraham.

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The Capital

The Capital , It is the darkest moment of the city After the fall of the gods, the capital has hard days, a portal has been built in the city called the God's Gate, which opens to the Land of headquarters , A fence was erected at the site of the fire , which only supporters of dictator Naraham are allowed to use. The news of the war is spread in the city every day, and people are sadly following the news of the war, the War is still in parts of the world, and some lands are resisting.

In the capital, the air is smoky and polluted. It always seems that it is sunset time, the city is crowded, but there is no life in it. This is a depressed city

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The city of water

The city of water is a time of darkness. After the fall of the gods and they got the four elements of life by humans, they took the city of water , Humans change the indigenous fabric of the city, they build tall buildings and bring humans into the city to live in.

Dictator Naraham is afraid of the people of this city, they are primitive people, but they predict the future from a horoscope , which is why the city observatory is one of the most important centers of the city.

After the god of water was killed, her statue became darker and her bright eyes darkened.

The people of the city of water have been warning the gods for years , that they are in danger of humans, but the gods did not pay attention to them because they believed that humans are not advanced beings. Now the people of the city of water believe that we are in the period between the two wars and that a war will soon begin ,whose future is unpredictable. Horoscopes report that the world will be changing.

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The city of the wind

The city of the wind, the life of the people of the city has darkened.

The city of the wind, captured by humans,The dictator Naraham has taken the people of the city captive and he Strongly in need of the people of the city of wind, the people of this city have acquired advanced knowledge and technology, and They are pioneers in science.

The city of the wind is built among the clouds, the statue of the god of wind is the source of the energy of the city and it is the existence of this statue that has kept the city among the clouds. According to the legends and stories of the people of the city , fire originated from this city and the god of fire stole it from the god of the wind and built a new life with fire knowledge.

The golden bridge of the city is the entrance to the another world, but after the theft of fire and the contention between the god of wind and the god of fire, the bridge was closed, the people of the city believe that the bridge will remain closed until there is peace in the world. Today, with the wars in the world ,there is no more hope To reopen the bridge .

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The city of fire

The city of fire, The fire is in the dark The city of Fire was built at the end of the world, After the fire was stolen from god of the wind , the god of fire built the city in the land of the dead. Creatures are reborn from the ashes of fire after death, After the fall of the gods, dictator Naraham built an army of the dead with the people of the city of fire to create fear and panic around the world. The statue of the god of fire is made of the fire of theft and the first fire in the world is lit in the hands of the god of fire. The city sky is always full of thick smoke and covers the city like a roof. The people of the city of fire were powerful blacksmiths , before the fall of the gods, they always made the best weapons for the gods, but today they have become the largest army of terror in the world. These days, in the city of fire is a hope for liberation from captivity, It has been a while , the people of the city talk about the birth of a creature of fire, which is supposed to be the end of despair The world is going to be a more beautiful place​

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The city of Soil

The city of Soil ,is the darkest moment After the fall of the gods, the city fell to the dictator Naraham The city experienced one of the bloodiest wars in history, the people of the city draw energy from the power of the universe.

It has been a while since the statue of the god of Soil ,his third eye was opened. The people of the city are talking about increasing energy in the world. The third eye of the statue god of the Soil is becoming brighter ,a day after the day The world is changing, the people of the city use the energy of the third eye of the statue to be the pioneers in the war against the dictator Naraham

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Infinite Land

Infinite Land, The Loop After the fall of the gods, humans invaded the infinite land But in this land they became involved in an illusion And they got stuck in an endless loop. According to some people this land is the connection point of the whole world and at its center is a gate that the whole world It merge in it. But some other people believe that this land was like other lands and the people of this land were pioneers in the advancement of science and knowledge,But a manipulation of time by the people of this land, all time lines were merged and the whole world was destroyed in this land. An endless Loop whose end is unknown

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Nari Land

Nari Land, the war has been continues The war is still going on in this part of the world, the resistance of the people of the lands against the dictator Naraham has turned into erosive wars. The people of the land of Nari are one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and this land is very important for the dictator Naraham, because this land is the source of world energy. The people of Nari are the most united people in the world. They have always resisted attacks in history. The people of the Nari Land are kind and happy people . They like to love each other and live.But They have endured hard wars because of the universal energy source. Resistance continues

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